Village Hall
Doddington Village Hall is ideal for regular or occasional meetings and celebrations.
It has a kitchen, car park and stage area and seating for up to 100 people.
For further information and bookings, please contact Lizzie Grant:
Tel: 07396 493283
Please see below for details of regular classes, clubs, societies etc.
Weekly classes, clubs etc
Yoga - Tuesday mornings 10.00 to 11.00. Contact Chris Stookes on 07594 491243.
Valley Players - Tuesday evenings, September to December from 19.30. If you are interested in helping or taking part in future productions pop in and leave your name and contact details. Backstage help particularly welcome.
Doddington Ukulele Movement - Thursday evenings 20.00. Contact: Bob Allen: 01795 886848,
Buddies Parent and Toddler Group - Friday morning (term-time) 09.00 to 11.00. All children aged 0 - 4 and their carers are most welcome. Contact Amy on 07910 707453 or
Monthly meetings
Doddington Parish Council - 2nd Monday 7.30 pm. Local residents welcome to observe, and there is a section for questions and comments from the public.
Historical Research Group - 4th Monday 7.30pm. Exploring local history and archaeology in the three parishes. Enquiries to Paula 01795 886165 or